Change Your Life

Reiki Healing

If you approach the amazing knowledge on offer and readily available to all of us with an open heart and an open mind, you will find, as I have, that the knowing, the certainty, can have the ability to change your life quite considerably in a positive way.

And the process can start very simply by enjoying some Reiki healing in my comfortable and friendly West London home which even has its own off-street parking if required!

Sessions last for 90 minutes and cost £95. If you would like to book an introductory session please use the Contact Me box and I will respond to arrange a suitable time.

Protected By Angels

You are already loved and protected by your angels and spirit guides

We all are – and I am here to help you aided by the angelic realm, your spirit guides and the beautiful beings who guide me in my work.

When you tune into this higher vibrational frequency and learn to use it more and more in your life, you can become more attuned to a beautiful awareness of your place in the Universe. My purpose is to try to assist you in taking those first baby steps towards better self-understanding and a happier personal alignment.

I do this by utilising the ancient skills I have learnt which balance your chakras, and cleanse your mind and body by releasing your true potential through one to one Reiki healing.

To give you an idea of what it is I do and what you can expect, please watch this video where you will see me introducing myself, working with two different patients and also clearing a rather famously-haunted house!

If you would like to know more about my house healing, please also visit my website

Simon Ludgate

Hello and a very warm welcome. I’m Simon Ludgate, a registered and fully-insured Reiki Practitioner based in London, England.

About My Book

I am very excited to announce the debut online of my first non-fiction book, The Accidental

Dr MikaoUsui

Reiki (ray-key) was founded by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 20th century in Japan and evolved as a result of his research, experience and dedication.


I am a member of the
Reiki Guild.

Mum went on at me gently for years to visit the College of Psychic Studies which I resisted for a long time as I wasn’t ready in myself to take that step although I was intrigued. This is an important point. You need to be ready for what happens to you. The angels know this and don’t show you or put you in a position where you are too far outside your comfort zone. That happened to me when I noticed something peculiar about this picture I took of my friend’s daughter playing on their trampoline.




What we offer is both very simple and immensely powerful at the same time. One to one sessions where you come to me are typically 90 minutes long and consist of an initial discussion about you and some explanation about the process.


The second phase of the session is to use healing to reconnect perhaps your heart and mind – in other words your intellect and your feelings – and to remove some of the clutter which we all carry around in our psyches from previous lives and from the experiences we have in the here and now. This can sometimes be quite reluctant to vacate the premises.


It is possible to scan the body and the soul for memories, influences and the presence of an enormous variety of energies which have no place in the person they have attached themselves to. We can help to remove energies and entities that shouldn’t be there and about which the individual sometimes has no knowledge or awareness. What is so interesting and valuable for the client is the change in your sense of wellbeing and your energy levels once the process has been carried out.

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I am very excited to announce the debut online of my first non-fiction book, The Accidental Wizard. It defines who I am and you may discover you identify with many of the strange experiences I have had which are documented in the book. The events it describes have affected me profoundly and may make you stop and take stock of your own life.

You can order it in any format of your choice now from this link